Our return and refund policies are in accordance with the "E-Commerce Operations Guideline, 2021" published by WTO Cell of Ministry of Commerce of Bangladesh, on 4 July 2021. The stated guideline shall prevail under all circumstances.

According to Digital Commerce Operation Guidelines, 2021 if it is not possible to deliver the product as per the demand of the purchaser due to force majeure after complete price fixing, the purchaser must be informed by phone, SMS, e-mail or other means within 48 hours of placing the order. In this case full refund has to be given within next 72 hours and no other product can be directly or indirectly forced to be purchased.

If the purchaser pays the price in advance through any means (debt, credit card, bank transfer, mobile banking, etc.) and the seller fails to deliver the product within the stipulated time for any reason, within a maximum of 10 days (excluding the relevant payment medium) the full amount paid must be repaid in the same manner (debt, card, credit card, bank transfer, mobile financial service, etc.) through which the purchaser has paid. In this case, if there is any charge, the marketplace or the seller has to bear it. The purchaser should be informed about the refund by email, SMS, phone or other means. However, in this case, the purchaser cannot be paid in excess of the fixed price. This period can be relaxed if the buyer fails to accept the product or service in time.